We all have a little internal voice that tells us something about ourselves on an ongoing basis. Some people may call it a conscience and other people may call it confidence but in either case, it is something that we hold within ourselves and nobody else knows about it. In many cases, this inner voice helps to give us guidance so that we can successfully move through life. There are also going to be times, however, when it does not give us the guidance that we need.
A problem that many people face is that they are dealing with an inner voice that tells them they are not good enough. Regardless of what they do or how they react to any situation, that voice considers them to be inadequate. If you find that this voice is speaking to you regularly, you need to take a deep breath and stop thinking for a moment. You really owe it to yourself to appreciate you as an individual.
All throughout our lives, we have been taught to be kind to others and be our very best we are around other people. In other words, we are taught to deny ourselves but we should really be helping ourselves first and foremost. We tend to live such busy schedules and have so much competition that we endeavor to take a break and look after our own needs.
If you have a voice that is telling you that you are inadequate, it might actually be making you similar to a narcissist. Learning how to face the situation properly means that you first need to recognize if you have such a difficulty.
When you lower your self-worth and self-esteem, it leads to mental distress, anxiety and sometimes, even physical pain. The negativity associated with being hard on yourself keeps you from being positive in life. As a result of the unwanted pressure you’re putting yourself, you might feel guilty for living in that unhappy zone.
When you are hard on yourself, it is typically because you’re pushing yourself to get too much work done.
Since you are setting yourself up for failure, you will likely be upset with yourself because you are unable to achieve that goal. It is necessary for you to focus on your strengths and positive things about yourself so when you see yourself falling into these 8 different categories, you might want to consider giving yourself a hand.
1. You apologize constantly
When you are being too hard on yourself it makes you feel as if everything in life is your fault. It doesn’t even matter if you are guilty of a transgression or not, you are going to say you are sorry before you even think about it. This causes you to beat yourself up for mistakes that were not yours.
I’m not saying that you should never apologize but if you constantly say you’re sorry, you begin to believe that everything is your fault. Have some faith in your abilities and get beyond this issue.
2. You Are Dissatisfied with Unaccomplished Tasks
It doesn’t matter what your goal is, if you are not able to accomplish it, you will never be satisfied. Setting continuous goals is always a good idea but you want to make sure that you are being efficient and not setting yourself up for failure. There’s also nothing wrong with giving yourself a verbal good job every once in a while when you do something positive.
3. You second-guess yourself
Many of us have a really good idea but we dismiss it before we share it. If you constantly second-guess your ideas you are being far too hard on yourself. Perhaps you don’t think that your idea is worthy of sharing or you might even think that it is ridiculous. Have some faith in yourself, put your best foot forward and share the idea.
4. You are afraid of embarrassment
This is something that often happens when you’re holding yourself back because you are being hard on yourself. You don’t allow yourself to do what you think is best out of fear of making a fool of yourself. You are really holding yourself back, however, because what you have to say might just be the best thing ever.
5. You have too much guilt
Even if you have situations that are out of your control you may still feel guilty that you were not able to accomplish a goal that you had in mind. For example, you might get sick and you can’t go out with your friends. That certainly is no reason to feel bad about canceling.
6. You compare yourself to others
Each of us is unique and there is always going to be somebody that is on a higher plane. If you constantly compare yourself to those individuals, you will never be able to measure up to your own ideals. Don’t be this hard on yourself. When you are trying to do better for yourself, don’t narrow your self-worth and destroy your self-confidence in the process. You will never feel better about yourself by comparing yourself to others.
7. You feel good about yourself on occasion
If you tend to focus on the negative and think of yourself as inadequate at all times, you may need to take away some of the pressure you are putting on yourself. Don’t think of yourself as being inadequate but rather, know that you can accomplish great things.
This is similar to your inability to accept compliments. When you do something great and somebody passes a compliment your way, you should own it.
8. You focus on things that are unchangeable
There are always going to be things in life that are outside of your control. Don’t try to change everything that is unchangeable because it is impossible to do so. Push your way out of this downward spiral and know that sometimes, things are just out of your control. Do all that you can to be the best that you can be and don’t worry if you are not perfect in the process.