It’s something most of us never want to talk about, but at some point, most of us will develop tiny, harmless, fleshy growths that are typically painless somewhere on our bodies. These growths appear as small nodules of skin, and the most common areas they develop are near the eyelids, neck, armpits, under breasts, near groin folds, and just about anywhere your skin can crease.
And the strange thing is that even with all our technological advancements in medical science, we’ve still not been able to figure out why humans form skin tags. However, a popular theory is they are caused by skin rubbing against skin. However, some say genetics could also play a role, which means if your parents developed them, there’s a good chance you will too. And this condition is more likely to strike middle-aged and obese adults. A person can develop anywhere from one to over one hundred skin tags on their body.
The biggest issue people have with skin tags is how they make them look. These growths are considered unattractive, and folks will go to great lengths to get rid of them.
Now, while these tags are generally painless, they can also become irritated, especially if you try to remove them using sharp objects or harmful chemicals.
Other methods involve tying and freezing them off. However, these techniques should only be done under the supervision of a medical professional, such as a dermatologist.
However, there is some good news.
There is a much more affordable and easier way to remove skin tags painlessly you can do at home without the embarrassing doctor’s visit. It involves a household ingredient that you probably have in your kitchen cabinet somewhere — Apple Cider Vinegar.
In a YouTube video, Dr. Doug Willen shows us how to use apple cider vinegar to cure skin tags. Here’s what you do:
- Soak your cotton ball with apple cider vinegar.
- Rub your skin with the wet cotton ball where the skin tag developed now less or more than two to three times per day every day for seven days or more.
- The skin tag should begin to look darker and darker before it eventually turns solid black and falls off.
Lots of folks have reported successfully treating skin tags using this method. However, the key is to stay consistent and treat the area several times each day for a week or more.
This method is painless, non-toxic, and cheap, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it.
However, you may want to ensure that you are not allergic to apple cider vinegar. If you notice any adverse skin reactions, such as a rash or swelling, stop using it.
Here’s a video showing you how to do it.
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