Now You Can Crochet Your Very Own Tiny Dragon To Give Your Desk A Mega-Dose Of Cuteness

Have you ever come across something so adorable that you just knew you had to have it in your life? You might have no clue what you’re going to do with it yet, or where it will go, but you know it has to be yours. Recently, we came across a tiny little purple crochet dragon that gave us that warm and tingly feeling. And this the perfect upgrade to give any desk or living room mantel that touch of cuteness is sure to get your guest’s attention. When they came up with the phrase, “You’re so cute, I could just put you in my pocket,” this is what they were talking about, folks!

This adorable little creation is brought to you by an Etsy seller named NansyOops. The dragon is about .07 inches tall. Now, you may be wondering how in the world could someone possibly stitch such a tiny thing by hand? Well, to achieve this miniature masterpiece, you’ll need embroidery floss. Of course, you could use yarn if you want a bigger dragon. And the good news is that this little darling is pretty easy to make, and you can customize it with whatever color strikes your fancy.

Crochet pattern DRAGON amigurumi pdf tutotial amigurumi dragon image 1

NancyOops Etsy Store

Just imagine making a few of these to really make your desk pop?

Crochet pattern DRAGON amigurumi pdf tutotial amigurumi dragon image 2

NancyOops Etsy Store

And believe it or not, it takes about 13 different items, including embroidery floss, to create your own dragon.

Crochet pattern DRAGON amigurumi pdf tutotial amigurumi dragon image 4

NancyOops Etsy Store

While it’s a little bit of work, the result is well worth the effort.

Crochet pattern DRAGON amigurumi pdf tutotial amigurumi dragon image 6

NancyOops Etsy Store

This tiny dragon’s pattern is only $10, and the instructions are pretty simple to follow.

Crochet pattern DRAGON amigurumi pdf tutotial amigurumi dragon image 9

NancyOops Etsy Store

Best of all, these cute little dragons are perfect stocking stuffers this Christmas! You can also watch a short video showing this adorable creation below.